« Why CRM projects fail and how to make them more successful », by Scott Edinger for HBR is spot on:(https://lnkd.in/eJFBwCY)
- Before you embark into a CRM project, you must define what are the 3 top objectives and what are the associated priorities
- You need to ask yourself how success will be measured
- A CRM is meant to help sell more and to provide support services for the sales execs to manage their territories. If they do not see the value, go back to your spreadsheet
- Data integrity is key. Pushing sales people to manage the information when the tool is not bringing them any value is not the best way to have updated quality data. If the CRM is helping them e.g. defining the one action that will increase the most significantly their chances to win, adoption rate will be way higher
- The data needs to be 100% free of subjectivity. Forecast statuses like Likely or Contingency or any equivalent are introducing biases that will make any CRM investment a waste. All they do is provide a mere gut-feeling that has seen itself tampered at each level of the sales organization to serve different objectives
- The CRM is a tool, not a magic wand. It does not take away from people the responsibility to drive revenue.