The pre-coronavirus period, which seems far away already, has seen an acceleration of mergers and acquisitions.

Acquirers’ communications mainly mention synergies, purchasing gains, optimisation of cash flow and creation of value for shareholders.

It is surprising to note that then person who does not seem to be on the picture is the customer!

In fact, he is seen more as a problem: how will he react? A wait-and-see attitude? Looking for alternative suppliers? Pressure on prices? The customer is seen as the element that is difficult to manage and that can put the profitability of the operation at risk.

However, consolidations often represent a significant potential for organic growth, and in particular :

  • Geographical complementarities,
  • A denser offer provided it is rethought,
  • An accumulated commercial experience that just needs to be shared.
  • There is a powerful tool that allows you to adapt your commercial strategy as each company evolves: The Key Account Plan.

The relevance of the Key Account Plan during the period following a merger is multiplied:

  • The consolidation of each customer’s turnover enables us to measure their weight in the new entity and to discuss their expectations.
  • Analysis of the product portfolio leads to reflection on the most relevant offer for each of the key accounts.
  • The 3-year development strategy and the means to be implemented are redefined.
  • The teams are reorganised to avoid duplication and to dedicate the most appropriate resources to each key account.

The account plan then becomes a formidable communication tool for these customers who are precisely in question (which sales team is going to follow me? who is going to leave the company? what about investments? should I put this supplier on-hold? …).

No more « Don’t worry, nothing fundamental is going to change, we’re in the middle of thinking » but on the contrary « Here’s our 3-year growth strategy with you, here’s our organisation, what do you think? »

This exchange will not only reassure your customers, but it will also confirm or invalidate your convictions and thus refine your strategy. It will also considerably shorten the wait-and-see period and the business losses that go with it.

Salesmetry has developed a training course enabling your teams to draw up a fully operational Key Account Plan in 3 days.

We now know that the work could be fully back on 11th May, so this is the opportunity to get the teams back on track with a clear direction.

So, if your account plans are not up to date, contact us and together let’s prepare your teams to come out of the crisis stronger.

« There are no favourable winds for those who don’t know where to go. » Sénèque
