The success of B2B sales in today’s environment depends on understanding the nature of change in the buyer. Communicating more is essential, but understanding in depth the implications of the crisis for each client is just as essential, at the very least.

Knowing the impact that the crisis is having on them and the effects on their ability to buy and commit are now inseparable from the qualification of opportunities.

It is up to the Sales and Marketing Department to provide salespeople with the tools they need and not up to them to re-create them each time:

The identification of all the participants in the decision is key. Messages, arguments and counter-objections are ideally prepared in advance.

  • Personalised for each one, they must be adapted to each role and each situation,
  • Having a message is one thing, knowing how to present it is another,
  • With 82% of buyers who obtain information online, references and case studies should be highlighted.
  • Whether on a call or a teleconference, selling today requires creating a link by taking a real interest in the buyer’s new context and bringing this link to life by feeding it with information that provides solutions.