It is time to train your sales force

It is time to train your sales force

Sales people don’t have good press. As a reminder, the Uptoo study: 2/3 of managers are dissatisfied with their sales force. According to them, two out of three salespeople are not at the required level with regard to the fundamentals of the profession:...
Things are changing

Things are changing

The success of B2B sales in today’s environment depends on understanding the nature of change in the buyer. Communicating more is essential, but understanding in depth the implications of the crisis for each client is just as essential, at the very least....
We never knew who took the decision

We never knew who took the decision

Losing a new business that seemed to have been taken for granted is always a source of enormous frustration and demotivation for an organisation. However, the main reason is often the same: not being able to identify all the people involved in the decision-making...
The cost of instability

The cost of instability

The instability of sales teams represents a significant cost for companies. The replacement cost of a sales representative is between 1.5 and 3 times his/her annual salary and can be broken down as follows: The cost of hiring, The cost of onbaording and training, The...
Don’t build change on sand

Don’t build change on sand

Recent studies conducted by McKinsey and the Harvard Business Review on the evolution of B2B sales in this pandemic phase highlight the emergence of 3 trends: While companies are generally reducing their own investments, many are maintaining or even increasing them,...
Evaluate your customers regularly!

Evaluate your customers regularly!

One of the paradoxes in most BtoB companies is the short time spent studying what is the main source of their wealth: the activity and performance of their customers. How has the customer performed in relation to the market and its competitors? What are its forecasts...